Kategorie: java
Pax Web 1.1.0 Released
Ok, I just released another version of Pax Web. This time it's a 1.1.0 with lots of improvements and also bug fixes. A big thank you goes to all the people that did help with improvements. and reported bugs 🙂 The major improvements with this release are: – Form based login is suported – Better…
Adding additional ServletContext in Pax Web
If you want to add certain special handlers for Jetty you just go ahead and alter the jetty.xml file. Usually you just add the following peace of code <Set name="handler"> <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList"> <Set name="handlers"> <Array type="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler"> <Item> <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler"> <Set name="contextPath">/app</Set> <Set name="resourceBase">/path/to/your/share</Set> <Call name="addServlet"> <Arg>org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet</Arg> <Arg>/</Arg> </Call> </New> </Item> </Array> </Set> </New> </Set> This…
Cool slides about OSGi
created by Richard S. Hall
What is the difference between Karaf and Felix?
a nice little question with simple answer 🙂 what's the difference?