Notizblog [notI`z. `blok]: a personal blog about development and stuff.

  • War-Fragments

    One last thing that just made it into Pax-web, WAB Archives can be Fragments. See PAXWEB-238 for more details.

  • PMC

    Just been voted to be a Apache-Karaf PMC-Comitter Now that is real cool

  • Scrum-Ban

    Is Scrum-Ban a better solution for Multi-Project Management? Here are some links about this topic: some slides on slideshare projekt-log another blog a free book?

  • PAXWEB-210

    Just the other day I was able to finaly finish my work on PAXWEB-210. This took me a while, after the upgrade to Jetty7 the configuration of the SecurityRealm through the web.xml descritptor didn’t work anymore. 🙁 The issue on this has been, that the context of the application was already started. I was able…