Kategorie: osgi
Just Annotation
Starting with version 2.0 of Pax-Web it’s possible to use Servlet 3.0 annotations for Servlets in a web application bundle (WAB). As defined in the Servlet spec it’s possible to have servlet definitions and configuration either in a web.xml or in the annotations of the Servlet. In this case the annotation of the servlet does…
Bind certain Web-Applications to specific HttpConnectors
Starting with Pax-Web 2.1 it’s possible to bind web applications to a specific http-connector. For this to work you need to configure an additional http connector through jetty.xml. The jetty.xml for pax-web uses a slightly different way of configuring connectors. Instead of setting a new Connector the jetty.xml is interpreted after the Jetty Server has already…
Pax Web in the year 2012
Now, that the year 2012 is over, it’s time to sum up the last year on what happened. Gather some statistics and a give an introduction of what is on the road-map for the next year. What did happen in 2012 A quick overview of the timeline in 2012 December/January The last release of Pax…
Pax Web 2.0.0
It’s released, at last. This release did consume quite an amount of time. I started to work on Pax Web 2.0.0 in July 2011, about the same time we bought our new house with lots of renovation to be done. 77 Issues where resolved with 2.0.0 of Pax Web. I’d say about 5k lines of…