Pax Web 1.0.2 Released

I just released Pax Web in Version 1.0.2

It includes several bug fixes and some improvements.

Two major issues which are solved now are a better support for authentication and better support for JSF rendering.

The form based login was already supported but a default
realm for authentication was missing. That’s why certain wars didn’t work since they depended on the default realm. This default realm was introduced in Pax Web 1.0.2 and especially in Karaf 2.2.1-SNAPSHOT in its jetty.xml config file.
Now you are able to deploy Hudson on Karaf with Pax Web 1.0.2.

The JSF in the JSP extension was improved. Now the tag libs are searched not only within the JSP bundle but also in bundles which are imported by the JSP bundle. This way standard Taglibs provided by frameworks can be more easily included.
Also the basis for JSP compilation and rendering was improved.

Hope you have fun.

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