Schlagwort: osgi
Karaf 2.2.0 Released
Finaly we have Karaf 2.2.0 out. That is great! After some drawbacks with the generation of the manual during the release stage it is finally released. About 180 Issues have been resolved with this Release.
PAX-WEB 1.0.1 Released
Found a serious issue with PAX-WEB 1.0.0 therefore a release of 1.0.1 was needed. Thanks to the help of a good working community in Apache Karaf.
Just the other day I was able to finaly finish my work on PAXWEB-210. This took me a while, after the upgrade to Jetty7 the configuration of the SecurityRealm through the web.xml descritptor didn’t work anymore. 🙁 The issue on this has been, that the context of the application was already started. I was able…
Blocking system.exit in OSGi (Part IV)
Hey, I finally made it. After seeking for more help on the felix list (didn’t help any) I got into the problem and solved it. Here is the complete set of what you need to get around the issue of an system.exit in your Bundle. First of all you need to configure the availability of…