Notizblog [notI`z. `blok]: a personal blog about development and stuff.
Blocking system.exit in OSGi (Part IV)
Hey, I finally made it. After seeking for more help on the felix list (didn’t help any) I got into the problem and solved it. Here is the complete set of what you need to get around the issue of an system.exit in your Bundle. First of all you need to configure the availability of…
Blocking system.exit in osgi (Part III)
Hey, finally Felix is running with security also 🙂 No big changes needed. As mentioned before the org/apache/felix/ is neede within the startup config (Equinox didn’t need this one) The are setup only contain the entry and the only contain this:${karaf.base}/etc/all.policy An additional File called security.policy is also added…
Blocking system.exit in osgi (Part II)
After failing the last time I did some more research on how to get the security manager enabled. Lukily I found some discussion about this issue on a mailinglist. I resolved this issue at least with the equinox framework. The Felix didn’t work yet. I will do some more in depth research on this later…
Blocking system.exit in osgi
One thing beforehand, calling system.exit from a bundle is evil! But even worse is a third party legacy jar calling system.exit instead of throwing exceptions. Now how do we stop this jar from doing such evil? The only way you can do this is to use a SecurityManager preventing calls to system.exit. Wow!!! Now how…