Apache Karaf Cookbook

We do have an expected publication Date for the Apache Karaf Cookbook!

14th August, 2014

Anyone interested in it and ready to order it, you will fine it here.  It has been a pleasure writing it and a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed it writing.

The “content” of that link is a bit “generic” at the moment but I’m sure this will improve …

Here a quick overview of the table of content:

  1. Apache Karaf for System Builders
  2. Making smart routers with Apache Camel
  3. The LoopDeploying a Message Broker with Apache ActiveMQ
  4. Hosting a web server with Pax-web
  5. Hosting web services with Apache CXF
  6. Distributing a clustered container with Apache Karaf Cellar
  7. Providing a persistence layer with Apache Aries and OpenJPA
  8. Making a scalable persistence layer with Apache Cassandra
  9. Manage Big Data with Apache Hadoop
  10. EXTRA: Testing Apache Karaf with Pax Exam

Those chapters aren’t necessarily the exact same in the book, but this will give you already an idea of what to expect. The last chapter might only be available online, as an extra download.

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